July 27th: National Scotch Day

Written by on July 27, 2011 in Liquor - No comments


Set up another case bartender! The best thing for a case of nerves is a case of Scotch
– W.C. Fields

Creative Commons Photo Credit: VancityAllie

Uisge beatha, Usquebaugh, Water of Life or Whisky; (without the e) it is known by many names but is only Scotch if it comes from Scotland.

The Scottish are known to have been producing the distilled beverage since at least the late 15th century. I have no idea how July 27th came to be known as National Scotch Day, but it provides a good reason, should you need one, to raise a wee dram and cry Slàinte! tonight.

You can find good single malt selections at Wings in Bexley, Flatiron and Barrel 44, but if you are not quite yet a Scotch connoisseur, there are some, perhaps lighter, ways to ease yourself into National Scotch Day. Although I was born and raised in Scotland, I have never been much of a Scotch drinker. I do, however, enjoy a good Scotch-based cocktail.

DeepWood offers Scotch tasting flights and also has an excellent selection of Scotch-based cocktails, including a delicious Scarlet and Scotch, prepared with rhubarb-tangerine gastrique.

Here are a few more Scotch cocktails to try:

Blood and Sand

The Blood and Sand is named after a Rudolph Valentino and Rita Hayworth movie of the same name, which, I think, bestows a touch of old Hollywood glamour upon anyone drinking one. It is just a little sweet; just a little fruity, and very simple to make.

How to make it:
3/4 – 1 ounce Scotch
3/4 ounce freshly-squeezed orange juice
3/4 ounce sweet vermouth
3/4 ounce Heering Cherry Liquor

Pour into a cocktail shaker filled with ice; strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with a flamed orange peel.

Where to drink it in Columbus:

Rob Roy

Sometimes called the “Scottish Manhattan”, this cocktail is named after Scottish outlaw and folk hero, Rob Roy. Like the Manhattan, it can also be made dry (by substituting dry for sweet vermouth) or perfect (by using ¼ ounce dry and ¼ sweet vermouth and garnishing with a lemon twist).

How to make it:
1 ½ ounces Scotch
¼ sweet vermouth
Angostura bitters to taste

Stir with ice, pour into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with a cherry.

Where to drink it in Columbus:
Buckeye Hall of Fame – Thursdays are $3 Rob Roy nights (a day late for celebrating!)

Scotch Sour

Simply, a Whiskey Sour made with Scotch, but usually without the simple syrup. The Scotch Sour is (I think) lighter and smoother.

How to make it:
1 1/2 ounces Scotch
3/4 ounce lemon juice

Pour into a cocktail shaker filled with ice; pour into an old-fashioned glass.

Where to drink it in Columbus:
Wherever you happen to be tonight; it couldn’t be simpler to make!

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This is a guest post from Karen Dion. In a previous life, Karen worked as a Tokyo bar hostess where her income depended upon the number of Champagne bottles consumed. Despite this, she still loves a glass (or two) of champers. Karen has written for Honolulu Weekly, therumpus.net and matadornetwork.com.

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